The Twilight Forest

The Twilight Forest


Player kick when logging into a server.

lryanle opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Forge version:
Twilight Forest version: MC1.12 3.6.345
Link to crash log: (Sorry, I can't post in text form! Server provider doesn't give it in text! ;) )

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Log into server
  2. Get timed out.

What I expected to happen:
I should have logged into the server just fine.

What happened instead:
I get timed out almost instantly. The Twilight Forest login screen only pops up for a few seconds..


  1. Before I installed twilight forest everything was fine.
  2. After the mod is removed, everything turns fine.
  3. I only get crashed when I go inside the portal, yet it doesn't seem like I can come out.
  4. The pack I'm using is very heavy on mods, if that helps.

Seems the player saved nbt data got too large to send over the network. Not related to TF at all.

Although the fact removing TF solves the issue, that's... odd.


It's a chat packet though, unless we send a ginormous message on logon?


Oh whoops didn't notice that, and no we don't.. at least i'm pretty sure we don't


This seems like a JourneyMap issue - it looks like that's the mod sending the oversized string.