Flashing Yellow Squares
Immaculala opened this issue · 4 comments
I’m having a graphics issue with TF.
It has not happened with any other mod.
These flashing yellow square outlines appeared as I approached a Swampy Labyrith (see image).
It has also occurred when near a 'castle'.
It goes when I leave the area.
Turning particles down to minimal didn’t help.
It only occurs in Survival mode, not in Creative mode.
Forge 1.12.2-
CPU: Intel Core i7 7700K @ 4.20Ghz
OS: Win 10 64 bit
Gfx: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 (drivers up to date)
2GB RAM allocated to MC )increased it to try but no change)
Assuming from where you are, you need to slay the Lich, which also requires slaying the Naga