The Twilight Forest

The Twilight Forest


Baubles missing from Grave

Xules01 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Forge version: forge-1.12.2-
Twilight Forest version: twilightforest-1.12.2-3.7.424-universal.jar
Link to crash log: N/A
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Place and item in your baubles slot.
  2. player death (ie, fall from high place, etc)
  3. go back to grave stone and collect items.

What I expected to happen: I should receive all my items, including those that were in the baubles slot.

What happened instead: Baubles were missing.

I find it strange that it was Twilight Forest that was causing it, as I had updated several mods and was testing them out. I finally started over and was adding them one by one. It broke when I added the latest version of Twilight Forest. For now I've gone back to the previous version.

Tested with both of these mods: gravestone-1.10.1.jar

Let me know if there was something I may have done wrong.

Thank you for your wonderful mod, have had many hours of fun exploring your world.


Just to confirm, the baubles weren't still on your player, or on the floor around where you respawned?


Correct, they were not in the area nor on my character. The gravestone mod give you a list of items that it stored. The baubles items were missing while testing with the latest version of Twilight Forest.


Tested this with the OpenBlocks grave. Currently, baubles are always restored to the player on respawn, even without a Charm of Keeping (due to 8a50828). As a result, they wouldn't be saved by graves.

This should be fixed now - you can try a dev build here ( and post if there's still a problem.


Wow, that was a very fast fix. That worked perfectly. Thank you!