[1.12.2] King Spider Initial Spawn no isRemote Check
jredfox opened this issue · 11 comments
Forge version: 1.12.2-forge1.12.2-
Twilight Forest version: twilightforest-1.12.2-3.8.689-universal
Issue: if you create a king spider and specify on initial spawn so any entity get's it's equipment for client side rendering it spawns in on client side into the client's world the other entity skeletons.
Steps to reproduce:
install something that renderes king spider on client side(silkspawners mod forge edition)
create superflat creative world
/tp 0 4 0
place the spawner block notice on 0 0 0 the skeletons are there spawned in
What I expected to happen:
no client side entities to render that don't exist on server side
What happened instead:
It rendered the entity due to your hard coded spawning code on king spider
the code specify on either side to spawn in a new druid skeleton into the world even on client side without a check if !world.isRemote this was already specified inside of my initial post
shouldn't have to link it as using github would sometimes result in improper code from the twilight forest version that is the dev's and or dev helper's jobs
hmmm it's my side then I just don't know how to fix it. How do you remove the entity from the world without setting it dead and stuff on passengers?
This aint a general modder help desk, go to the forge forums or a discord meant for this~
Wasn't asking for help when two issues become related it's very difficult not to discuss which side it is. I will figure it out on my side thanks for the pointer
The issue is on the spawner side: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-114019