The Twilight Forest

The Twilight Forest


When fishing into portal, TF returns exception

preeefix opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Forge version: 1.12.2 -
Twilight Forest version: ) 3.8.689
Link to crash log:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Acquire Fishing Pole
  2. Use Fishing Pole, casting inside of a TF portal.

What I expected to happen:

  • Upon return, an Experiment 115 should appear in the inventory

What happened instead:

  • The fishing pole is returned to it's uncast state.

For reference, the error messages here are actually a vanilla bug (MC-4581).


Just to keep here as a reference: this crashes in 1.12. However, 1.16...just has some very funky behaviour.


I went and fished in the TF portal a couple days ago and it seemed totally fine to me. Granted, the loot just immediately went to the TF instead of to the player, but it was normal otherwise. Since this isnt an issue anymore, im gonna close this.