[1.16.2] Missing textures & item names
ThousandFields opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Forge version: 33.0.5
Block of Fiery Metal, Spiral Stone Blocks, Robust Twilight Oak Sapling (block.twilightforest.hollow_oak_sapling), Transwood Trapdoor, and all trophies are missing textures.
Several items are missing their proper names (like being called item.twilightforest.naga_trophy instead of Naga Trophy), including:
- all trophies
- all armour
- all pickaxes
- Transformation Powder
- Raw and Cooked Meef
- all Maps
- all Charms
- E115
- all Knightmetal and related items except for Block of Knightmetal
- Block and Chain
- all Spawn Eggs
- all Dark Tower blocks (including Fake Gold and Diamond)
- all Stronghold blocks
- all Thorn blocks except for the Rose
- Trollsteinn
- Giant Cobblestone
- Huge Mushgloom and Stem
- Trollvidr
- Unripe and Ripe Trollber
- all full block Castle Brick variants
- all Force Fields
- Cinder Furnace
- Cinder Wood
- all Castle Doors
- all ministructures
- all Nagastone Stair variants
- all Mazestone variants
- Hedge
- "block.twilightforest.boss_spawner"
- Root (block)
- Liveroot Block
- all Smokers and Fire Jets
- Nagastone and the Head
- all unique ground plants (Moss Patch, Mayapple, Cloverpatch, Fiddlehead, Mushgloom, Fallen Leaves,)
- Torchberry Plant
- Root (strand)
- all Terracotta
- "block.twilightforest.stone_twist"
- "block.twilightforest.lapis_block"
- Twilight Oak Leaves
- all Saplings
- Twilight Oak Wood
- Transformation Wood
- all Planks
- Huge Waterlily and Lilypad