The Undergarden

The Undergarden


[1.16.5 Bug] Effect Brittleness deal strange damage

GoldenTotem opened this issue · 2 comments


Minecraft 1.16.5 Forge 36.2.35 Mod 0.5.5

Brittleness effect will deal an extra ( generic.armor + effect.amplifier + 1 ) damage, but this damage doesn't like a normal damage, it cannot be absorped by armor, protection enchantment, and resistance effect, even absorption effect, is it use setHealth() ?

  1. Enter a world and summon a husk.
  2. Run /effect give @e[type=!player,sort=nearest,limit=1] minecraft:resistance 30 4
  3. Run /effect give @e[type=!player,sort=nearest,limit=1] minecraft:absorption 30 9
  4. Run /effect give @e[type=!player,sort=nearest,limit=1] undergarden:brittleness 30 0
  5. Attack it, and use neat mod or /data to check it health, it lost 3 health.

It should not lost health, but absorption and resistance doesn't work yet.

The extra "damage" should be a normal damage and can be absorped by armor, protection and etc.


1.16.5 is unsupported


That version is both unsupported and way outdated. In addition to me not fully understanding what you mean, I regret to inform you that we will not be updating or changing said version at all, anymore. ⇒ #170

For a more complete Undergarden experience, please try playing newer versions such as 1.20/21. That is where our most recent and higher quality updates will be, in addition to any future support for the mod. Closing this issue.

Fishcookie [Undergarden Team]