The Vegan Option

The Vegan Option


Vegan Option triggering a weird crafting bug in forge that affects other mods (Extra Utilities, RF Tools)

BBoldt opened this issue ยท 4 comments


This may be hard for me to explain, so I will just refer you to these issues explaining it.

The other known mod that caused this issue was Rotarycraft/DragonAPI, and it has since been fixed in that mod.

rwtema/extrautilities_old_issues#525 (comment)

Also what led me to discover it was your mod causing this, was a player of my modpack pointed out this line in the log:

[16/7/2015 03:02:38 AM] [Client thread/INFO] [VeganOption]: Replaced 839 recipes with OreDictionary'd equivalents (took 0.165 seconds)

After removing vegan option, the specific crafting recipes in extra utils and rf tools were fixed.

  • Forge 1481
  • VeganOption-mc1.7.10-0.1.1
  • extrautilities-1.2.8
  • rftools-3.11

ReikaKalseki/Reika_Mods_Issues#73 (comment)

As well as the next two comments are what you're looking for. Double-check that you aren't triggering the ore dictionary later in the initialization steps than you need to and you should be able to fix the bug.


Thanks for the links. Might be a hard one to fix as this mod heavily relies on modifying recipes, and it's hard to rely on any mod to register recipes/oredict entries at the "proper" stage (the only thing you can count on is that all mods do it in different stages).

Will look into it.


Unable to replicate the Extra Utilities bug but I found the cause of the RFTools one. RFTools is using an extended ShapedRecipes class for its Module recipes, and I'm clobbering it by replacing it with ShapedOreRecipe (because VO currently assumes everything that extends from ShapedRecipes is a plain ShapedRecipes instance). Whoops.

Will look into it more and decide on the best way to fix it.