The Vegan Option

The Vegan Option


Sometime, resin is quite infrequent.

kane-thornwyrd opened this issue Β· 18 comments


Hello Squeek,

I made some tests, and in the case people use TConstruct the resin drops are really rare, like once in 10 trees, if Treecapitator is also in use, resin become rarer than diamond, literally.

I don't know which stand you will take about this, but my advice would be to totally avoid the issue by adding a resin collector like what Electrical Age guys do:

Electrical Age Repo
Resin Collector

Or even ICΒ² with their resin tap.

Thank you for your attention :)


@reteo same problem as Treecapitator. Adding a resin collector is looking better and better.


I've noticed the same with Rotarycraft woodcutter and bedrock axe.


The bedrock axe is not. It does not use BlockArray (though it used to). Instead it uses a TickHandler, ProgressiveRecursiveBreaker.


I guess that means that ProgressiveRecursiveBreaker needs HarvestDropsEvent support as well.


Interesting. I would have thought that the drops would be compatible with things like lumber axes/treecapitator. I'll make sure to test that and see if anything's going wrong.

I like that resin collector solution, though.


I honestly think that the bug is on their side, because at the end of the day they are those whom implemented their own "felling algorithm" that doesn't seems to fire HarvestDropsEvent for each blocks chopped.


Right, that's what I thought as well, but it looks like the TCon code should work. From here it calls the vanilla method block.harvestBlock(world, player, x,y,z, meta);, which does fire the HarvestDropsEvent.

Once I am able to test it, I'll set the drop chance of resin to 100% and see if it drops the correct amount.


True, it's strange it's so rare with only TC though. πŸ˜•
And Treecapitator, just not....
Anyway, imho this part of the problem is still not your concern, I'll ask Bspkrs if he use a trick to anyway fire this event.


Do you have stackDrops set to true in your Treecapitator config? Looks like that's the only setting that'd bypass the HarvestDropsEvent being fired.

EDIT: Relevant code for Treecapitator for reference:


Answer to your question
I have been unlucky then, protocol:

  • flatworld of 49:8 blocks with a block replaced by dirt.
  • gamemode 0
  • Manyullyn lumber axe.
  • a lot of spruce sapplings.
  • a lot of bonemeal.
  • Testbed modpack 1.7.10 :
    • Admin Command Toolbox
    • Aroma1997Core
    • AromaBackup
    • CodeChickenCore
    • InvTweak
    • NEI
    • NEKeys
    • NEResources
    • Waila
    • Waila Harvestability
  • Tested mods:
    • The Vegan Option
    • Mantle
    • TConstruct

I'll write down the test of a batch of 50 trees here, plus you gave me the idea to submit my "testbed modpack" as reference.


I'll submit a bug report on the Treecapitator issue tracker. It's something that would be good to get fixed.


Thank you A LOT !


TCon Lumber Axes seems to work as expected for me. When I set the drop chance to 100%, I got 6 resin and 6 spruce wood when I chopped down a tree.

Perhaps you just got unlucky? How did you test it?


For now on, I'll use this modpack to test, as a "stable base".
BTW, You're credited πŸ˜‰


Results time: for 64 trees, I got 36 resin using the TConstruct lumber axe.

I may have found an exploit too.


Is the exploit that you can break a spruce block, place it back down, break it again, get resin again, and repeat? If so, I am aware but am not quite sure how to fix it yet.


yes, but don't worry too much, to become really "fun" those who want to use it should make some serious redstone first ^^