The Vegan Option

The Vegan Option


Add seitan (wheat gluten)

squeek502 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Can't believe I never even thought of using this as a meat alternative. I was blinded by soy when seitan was right in front of me the whole time.


How I'm thinking this should be implemented:

  • Turn wheat into flour. Not sure the particular crafting recipe that should be used--could change depending on whether or not HarvestCraft is installed
  • Turn flour + water into dough. Alternative in-world recipe would be putting flour in a water source block--the water would be consumed and it would transform into dough.
  • To turn dough into raw seitan, you'd need to "wash" the dough 3 or 4 times. Washing would basically be the consumption of a water source block while inside water. (note: if it consumes the source block of any flowing block it is inside, then that might work to make it harder to automate using a simple 2x2 infinite pool).
  • Raw seitan would then be able to be cooked in a furnace to create seitan, and that would be used as a meat substitute.

If you ever do anything with soy in this mod, screw tofu. Do tempeh instead, it is heavily underused.


Totally agree, I'm a big fan of tempeh. It's unlikely that I'll add soy, though, as one of my self-imposed guidelines is to not add any new crops.


Well, you could rely on another mod's soy, such as Harvestcraft, which you have already done with your BBQ tofu.


Definitely, I'll probably do that eventually.


Still todo before closing this:

  • In-world dough creation (flour in water = dough)
  • Tooltips, usage, and recipe text