The Vegan Option

The Vegan Option


Add tempeh (HarvestCraft dependent)

squeek502 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Split from #40.

If you ever do anything with soy in this mod, screw tofu. Do tempeh instead, it is heavily underused.

Totally agree, I'm a big fan of tempeh. It's unlikely that I'll add soy, though, as one of my self-imposed guidelines is to not add any new crops.

Well, you could rely on another mod's soy, such as Harvestcraft, which you have already done with your BBQ tofu.

@Sunconure11, any ideas for how tempeh would be created in Minecraft?


Well, for starters, the fungus used to ferment it is found on a species of hibiscus.

Maybe 6 soybeans could be pressed together, and if left outside in a tropical biome, spores from this fungus will over time, turn it into tempeh. The spores for this fungus could alternatively be obtained as drops from various flowers rarely, and could be used to inoculate the starter batch.