The Vegan Option

The Vegan Option


Weirdness with beds

Sunconure11 opened this issue ยท 9 comments


So I'm in a server that has this mod, and I stumbled upon the following bugs with straw beds:

  2. You cannot leave beds unless you press ESC.

Appreciate all the feedback you've been providing. Will look into this.

Checks for the Minecraft bed must be hardcoded in the Minecraft code for rendering or something, because I basically re-use all of the BlockBed code with as few changes as possible.

  1. Can't see what could be causing this. Not sure how to test it on my own, either, as it looks like I need two Minecraft accounts to run two dev clients now
  2. Can't reproduce this. The Leave Bed button shows up for me and works fine.

I did notice that leaving a bed before actually sleeping will still do damage, which is not intended, though. (EDIT: Fixed this in 8ef7fcc)


Sorry, what I meant to post about the leave bed button button was that it shows up, its just that pressing it does nothing.

Keep in mind this happened on a server.


Leave Bed worked for me on a local server as well.


The pack is one I helped build so I can fix this easily once sorted out


Check Compitum Magia on technic. It's happening with normal beds too


Seems to be unrelated to this mod. The problem still exists after removing VO from the modpack and trying to sleep in a normal bed.

No clue which mod would be causing it.


@Sunconure11, I was curious so I did some testing and found which mod is causing this. It is liteloader-1.7.10.jar. Removing that should fix the bed issues.


Yeah, just tried again to make sure and was still unable to reproduce the Leave Bed issue. Would it be possible to send me the mod pack you are using so I can see if it's a mod interaction problem?