Thut Wearables

Thut Wearables


Pokebag not working properly on version 1.12.2-1.16.1

CosmicRune opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I'm having this problem with my pokebag, randomly it won't let me put stuff in it. Eventually, I can put stuff in it; but it's random to when I can. When it happens, I can't put pokecube items as well as everything else. I only use it for pokecube items only though; pokemons, berries, etc. If I set "bagHoldAll" from true to false. Then set it back to true, it'd fix it. So, I keep having to reset the config in game. It feels like the config is reverting back to false even though it's set to true, and resetting it helps fixing it. But it isn't a permanent fix. This bug is very persistent as it'd be happening every few minutes. As it was working in the previous version of pokecube I was using before with the same mods, I went down from pokecube-aio-1.12.2-1.16.1 to pokecube-aio-1.12.2-1.10.6 and it stops happening.