Thut Wearables

Thut Wearables


[Suggestion] Camouflage Controller Block

Kumomo opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I don't think I saw a way to do this, but it would be amazing if we could camouflage the controller block. I've always been slightly annoyed with the back or sides of the block not matching the blocks around it, especially if it's sticking out on the exterior of a building.

This is my favorite Elevator Mod. Nice work!


ya, I wasn't expecting it to work well on transparent blocks, it also doesn't work well on grass iirc, I can look into trying to fix that at some point


I'm really happy with it regardless! This makes my day. ^_____^ And I love that the numbers aren't visible from the other sides unless I choose to. Thanks so much.
2016-11-14_22 50 06


Hmm, I should be able to get that done, I will look into it.


is this what you wanted?



YES <3 So much YES. :D I was not expecting such a fast response!

Edit: Thanks for the super fast upload. Some glass types come out a bit wonky, but otherwise it's just what I wanted.
thut controllers