Thut Wearables

Thut Wearables


Elevator Desync Issues with EcologyMod installed

D3nnis3n opened this issue ยท 6 comments


We now got some Elevators made and have desync issues where one Player can see the Elevator in the right Position, stand on it and drive with it, while another Player can not see the Elevator, can see the other Player Standing on it - but when going into the Elevator just falls to the ground, as there is no Elevator for him.

I made two screenshots for you to show the issue. On the first Picture you can see me looking at my friend, as you see, there is no Elevator. But the guy stands there. If i walk in, i fall down. On the second screenshot you can see my friend looking at the Elevator that is INDEED there - you can also see a bit of my feet.

If i re-log-in i can see the Elevator, too.

Same happens when disguising the Controller block. He can see it, i can't until relog.
Also, sometimes the blocks, the Elevator is made of get transparent or flicker.

Picture 1:
Picture 2:

I can not find any log entries on my Server related on that and the Server is NOT overloaded or skipping ticks. We do not have any other desync issues in other mods, at least nothing reported until now.

If you want me to provide any Information, i try my best to do so. That's just how far i could track it down.


these sync issues should be fixed now. re-report if they occur in latest verisons.


hmm, if you can find a way to make this reliably occur, then I can look into fixing it, let me know if you can figure out when it desyncs.


Puh, well, i dunno how to give you that Information. It just will happen when pressing the Buttons some time between 3 - 7 times. The Controller will no longer Show where you pressed, and the Elevator will not drive down visible, but it did indeed and after relogging you can see it again. I really got no idea how i could help you further, as it is NOT directly reproducable but occuring frequently. If you got any Special Thing i could do, tell me - otherwise i got no clue.


As i told you over in Advanced Rocketry Issues and have now confirmed with a testingpartner: No Desync Issues exist when EcologyMod is removed from the Mod-List.

Shall i Report this to the Ecology Mod Author or do you want to try yourself? I'm sureley not able to tell him what might be the cause.


Hmm, if he has a github for it, make an issue there and link it back to this one, I can try to look into it tomorrow or so

