Durability Modifiers above 100% don't work properly
TwentySeventhLetter opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Minecraft Version
Mod Loader Version
Mod Version
Describe the Issue
When making custom tiers that alter durability using the MULTIPLY_TOTAL operation, values equal to or greater than 1.0 (or +100%) display correctly in tooltips but only add 1 to durability total (e.g. iron pickaxe goes from default durability of 250 to 251 despite displaying"+200% durability")
Do you use any other mods except the required ones?
Other mods used but issue persists in isolation
Update, every whole number added by MULTIPLY_TOTAL adds 1 point of durability, so putting 120 as the multiplier displays "+12000% durability" but only adds 120 points to the default item durability