- 0
[Bug]: Incompatibility with WI Zoom & Zoomify
#328 opened by dti131 - 0
Question: how to switch to default crosshair?
#327 opened by The-idk-notdot - 0
[Bug]: Crosshair is not in the right place.
#326 opened by The-idk-notdot - 1
#325 opened by HoangAkA123 - 0
[Bug]: Mod crashes my game when using it with Zoomify
#324 opened by Cyan476 - 0
[Bug]: M320's ammo counter is flickering when switching from a gun to gun
#323 opened by The-idk-notdot - 0
[Bug]: Wrong item model (HK416D)
#322 opened by The-idk-notdot - 0
[Bug]: The mk14 EBR shutter sound is out of sync with the empty mag animation.
#321 opened by The-idk-notdot - 0
[Bug]: Scopes with Zoom doesnt Zooms in
#320 opened by SpitzohrSpeaher - 4
can you add skins?
#319 opened by trashcan585868 - 0
Question about spawning in chest
#318 opened by fart-ticklebutt - 0
[Bug]: 尝试破坏标靶基座导致的游戏崩溃
#317 opened by SNWCreations - 4
[Bug]: Default gun pack did not export correctly on M1 Mac/ AT launcher.
#316 opened by saucyfat - 2
[Bug]: Incompatibility with AAAParticles
#315 opened by Sockjr07 - 1
[Bug]: Gun Sticking to head or floating beside waist when putting in the main inventory first slot after choosing another slot
#314 opened by rahhh123190 - 1
[Request] Backport ability to shoot endermen to 1.19.2 and 1.18.2
#313 opened by trashcan585868 - 0
[Bug]: Walking animaion plays when swimming near the bottom.
#311 opened by The-idk-notdot - 1
[Feature Request]: 配件绑定功能建议
#310 opened by FezaRyn - 2
[Bug]: Game crashes when changing between guns (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to resize buffer from 2146435072 bytes to -2146435072 bytes)
#309 opened by SemperFib3rs - 5
[Bug]: weird thing whit the ID
#308 opened by u-matter - 0
[Enhancement]: Modify part entity headshot determination
#307 opened by Bitlod - 3
[Bug]: Forge - Guns invisible - Game crashes - modpacks
#306 opened by ququlka12 - 1
[Bug]: Adjusting stacksize standerd ammo tacz resets when minecraft gets started
#304 opened by Lord-Infinity - 2
[Bug]: First person models broken.
#303 opened by TalonStudios - 1
[Enhancement]: Allow Mobs to Hold and Fire Guns
#302 opened by Spedias - 2
[Bug]: Fabric版和Zoomify模组有冲突
#300 opened by cczzyy2020 - 5
#299 opened by HeavyArtilleryTank - 2
[Bug]: Ticking player
#298 opened by Mirtasy - 3
[Bug]: When using Oculus shaders and then equipping TacZ guns some entities and effects become invisible. After a bit of time. Game will crash
#297 opened by Darkmega18 - 4
[issue]: How can i /give guns with attachments
#296 opened by HeavyArtilleryTank - 3
#295 opened by kamike - 1
[Suggestion] More shotguns
#294 opened by taitep - 4
[Bug]: (fabric) not up to date with featured in forge items, bugged scopes, bugged attachment buffs
#293 opened by 3raz3rr - 1
[Suggestion] Reload Animation speeds increase with Haste and slow down with Mining Fatigue
#292 opened by HEALPony - 2
can you add pixelated blood particles?
#290 opened by trashcan585868 - 2
[Request]: add more pistols
#289 opened by trashcan585868 - 2
[Bug]: 左右手切换和开火模式同时快速点击导致稳定闪退
#288 opened by NULL142857 - 1
[Bug]: Crash when switching between guns sometimes
#287 opened by AndrewEllen - 2
[Bug]: Modify Attachments Keybind doesn't work
#286 opened by BigMartin58 - 1
[Suggestion] Command to shoot
#285 opened by Shisuiicaro - 1
[Bug]: Hand model becomes glitchy when using netherite backtank in Create with PlayerAnimator mod installed
#284 opened by oinpig - 0
[Bug]: Incompatibility with BetterCombat Rendering
#283 opened by TqLxQuanZ - 1
[Feature request]增加瞄具镜内放大
#282 opened by awnc - 1
[Bug]: 主手为左手时第三人称不显示枪械
#281 opened by sasvtal - 1
[Bug]: Mod shows double gun model when using first person model
#280 opened by Kitt012 - 1
#279 opened by RogueKGB - 1
[Bug]: 1.19.2与Controllable模组冲突
#278 opened by Takexs - 2
[Bug]: 加载新区块时高频卡死后崩溃
#277 opened by KiyooChan-hub - 2
[Bug]: Magazine Not Change
#276 opened by Rip0000 - 5
[Feature Request]: Gun Safety/Holster
#274 opened by stevefan1999-personal