Tinkers' Complement

Tinkers' Complement


[1.12.2] Some ores melting despite required temperature being above 200

SeriousCreeper opened this issue ยท 7 comments



not sure if this is an issue with this mod or with tinkers (or some other conflict), but basically when i setup a melter with a heater below (solid fuel one), it still is able to melt copper ore, even though according to JEI it's suppose to require 412 degrees:



Using the latest version of tinkers and tinkers complement, with forge 2575.
Let me know if there is anything else i could provide to help!



This is because JEI displays temperatures in kelvin and the melter in celsius (300 less). It's on my to-do list to unify, just need to decide which is best.


Ohhh i never realized that, that explains so much. Thanks! I also saw there is a blacklist support with CT, that's great.



Hm okay so i kept messing with this a bit more and i still can't seem to block certain recipes.
I'm trying to remove some ores such as copper from the melter.



And also here some CT scripts:

for item in copperOres {
	mods.tconstruct.Melting.removeRecipe(<liquid:copper>, item);
	mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe(<liquid:copper> * 144, item, oreTemp);
	mods.tcomplement.Blacklist.addRecipe(<liquid:copper>, item);

copperOres contains a list of ores. oreTemp is set to 600 right now but even 1000 or more doesnt seem to change it.

Maybe i'm using the blacklist wrong too?



That looks to be a separate issue from the original one, so it should really be a separate issue.

In any case, I would need all relevant parts of the script in order to be certain there is an issue in the code and not just in your script, so I would need the full value of the array copperOres and alike. Since I know the blacklist properly works, there is a chance if your script is fine that the issue is on ModTweaker's side.


Fair enough! Let me know if you want me to move/copy it to a new ticket instead.

I just created a new instance to try this out, in case some other mod conflicts with it, but having the same problem. I added Mekanism and Thermal Foundation to get different types of copper.

Complete crafttweaker script i used in that test pack:

import crafttweaker.item.IItemStack;
val copperOres = [<mekanism:oreblock:1>, <thermalfoundation:ore>] as IItemStack[];
for item in copperOres {
    mods.tconstruct.Melting.removeRecipe(<liquid:copper>, item);
    mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe(<liquid:copper> * 144, item, 1000);
    mods.tcomplement.Blacklist.addRecipe(<liquid:copper>, item);

Then i tried to only use this line in my CT script:

mods.tcomplement.Blacklist.addRecipe(<liquid:copper>, <thermalfoundation:ore>);

But i was still able to melt it.

I also tried to just use this:

mods.tconstruct.Melting.removeRecipe(<liquid:copper>, <mekanism:oreblock:1>);
mods.tconstruct.Melting.addRecipe(<liquid:copper> * 144, <mekanism:oreblock:1>, 1000);

Again, temperature shows up properly as 1000, but melter still melts it.

JEI shows it as 1000 degree, but melter still melts it.

Used versions:
Tinkers Complement: 0.2.2b
Forge: 2575 and 2582 both tested


83df8ce solves the issue with temperature displayed in the GUI. I am nore sure the cause of the issue with what can actually be melted, but it sounds like it should be its own issue.

If you find it affects build in Tinkers Construct recipes, then open the issue here, otherwise it might be a modtweaker issue.


Fixed in 0.2.3