Tinkers' Complement

Tinkers' Complement


Infinite fuel glitch(?)

greenking13 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I'll start this bug report off just stating that this bug occurs in the 0.2.2b version of your mod, since that is the version that is packaged with Sevtech. (Considering the amount of changes and scripts this pack has, I'm not very comfortable with changing any non-aesthetic mods, apologies.)

Alright, so if you cook an ore or a metal within the porcelain smelter using the porcelain melter, and then add an ore or metal which would require a porcelain tank, it will allow the first ore/metal to melt, refuse to melt the second ore/metal, and also not use up "units".

Small gallery to explain on imgur.

The last image was to show that this bug is not solely due to me having switched the heater and the tank.

If I had to take a wild guess as to why this is occurring, I'd guess that the method you are calling that burns fuel is checking to see if any of the materials is non-meltable at that temperature and turns off the use of fuel, but doesn't turn off the melting itself.

NOTE: I tested the same scenario with actual non-meltable materials and the same bug does not occur.


Can you try reproducing with the latest with fewer other mods? It could be a bug caused by something in SevTech or the older version


Ceramics - 1.12-1.3.4
Just Enough Items -
Mantle -
Tinkers' ComplEment (Sorry, I just realized it's spell with an 'e' and not an 'i') - 1.12.2-0.2.3b
Tinkers' Construct - 1.12.2-

I have verified that the bug exists on these versions as well.

2018-04-13_15 52 10
2018-04-13_15 52 35

Note: This also gave me a reason to finally add MultiMC to my new desktop, so thanks indirectly.


Sure, I'll attempt to reproduce on Sunday. Tinkers, Tinkers Complement, JEI should be fine. Uhh, apologies, but do you know of any metals which require a higher heat than the heater can provide off hand? I'm assuming that knightslime might, but it'd be helpful to know in advance.


I just had some time to look into this, and it turns out its actually a Tinkers Construct bug and does not have anything to do with the melter. Basically, any item that is too hot to heat will cause items before it to heat for free and items after it to never heat. We are about to do a bug fix release for Tinkers Construct anyways, so I'll make sure a fix for this is pushed.


Fixed in Tinkers Construct release 2.12.0