Tinkers' Complement

Tinkers' Complement


Item Duplication with Sledge Hammer and EnderIO Direct Modifier

gamorex opened this issue ยท 0 comments


When a Tinkers' Complement sledge hammer with the Direct modifier from EnderIO breaks a block, the block is duplicated.

Expected behavior:

* The original block (cobblestone) should not drop.

* The hammered block (gravel) should be teleported to the players inventory due to Direct modifier.

Actual behaviour:

 * The original block teleports to the player's inventory due to Direct modifier.

 * The hammered block drops to the ground.

 * This results in the output of two blocks, the original and hammered.


 1. Create a TComplement sledge hammer with the Direct modifier.
    Ex. Vibrant Sledge Hammer

 2. Place down a block that has a valid Ex Nihilo hammer recipe.
    Ex. <minecraft:cobblestone>

 3. Break the cobblestone with the Sledge Hammer.

 4. 1 cobblestone block appear in the player's inventory.

 5. 1 gravel block drops to the ground.

Mod Version

Tinkers' Construct 1.12.2-
Tinkers' Complement 1.12.2-0.4.2
EnderIO Core 1.12.2-0.5.69
EnderIO 1.12.2-5.1.51
Ex Nihilo Creatio-1.12.2-