Tinkers' Complement

Tinkers' Complement


cannot remove oredicted recipes from melter

mattieboy079 opened this issue ยท 15 comments


It could be a stupid question.
I wanted to remove the recipe of iron ore (and some other ores).
I tried 2 things:

  1. with the OreDict ore:oreIron, but I get an error that it uses an IItemStack and not an IOreDictEntry.
  2. with the normal iron ore id minecraft:iron_ore, but then the recipe has not been removed.

What exact code are you using to make the script?


I use zenscript.


mods.tcomplement.Blacklist.addRecipe(liquid:iron, minecraft:iron_ore); --> results in the iron still be abled to be smelted.
mods.tcomplement.Blacklist.addRecipe(liquid:iron, ore:oreIron); --> results in the error i mentioned


Do you have any idea how to fix this? Because I'm creating an ageing modpack, and I don't want to be able to smelt Iron in the Melter, and I really would like to use the Melter as an early game ore smelter.


Alright, this looks like a misunderstanding of how the melter recipes work. The melter registry has three parts:

  • Tinkers Smeltety recipes: the melter will pull recipes from the Tinkers Smeltery by default, so any recipes there will also be available for the melter.
  • Overrides: this is the melters personal recipe set, allowing you to add a melter exclusive recipes or change the result of a vanilla recipe. It is used internally to add ore recipes that do not ore double.
  • Blacklist: this is the one you are mistakenly using. The blacklist prevents a vanilla TiC recipe from melting in the melter. It is used internally to remove all seared stone recipes from the melter

For what you are trying to do, there are two steps:

  • Remove the melter ore override: use Overrides.removeRecipe to remove the melter iron ore recipe.
  • Blacklist iron ore: use Blacklist.addRecipe to blacklist the smeltety iron ore recipe from working in the melter. Otherwise after removing the single ore output recipe you get the double one.

See the following for syntax: https://docs.blamejared.com/1.12/en/Mods/Modtweaker/TComplement/Handlers/Overrides/


Ok, thank you for your answer, I will try to do this. I will let you know if it worked!


Okay, so it worked for almost everything, except for the iron and golden horse armor, and for the different tracks which result in liquid iron or gold:

I have used

And i have blacklisted all of the items above. Have I missed something?
Thanks for your help!


Did you add a blacklist entry for those? Rails are a smeltery recipe, they behave the same in the melter. An easy check is to see if the recipe is the same in both the smeltety and the melter, if so blacklist is right.


How did you add the blacklist entry? Exact script would help



Blacklist.addRecipe(liquid:gold, minecraft:golden_horse_armor);
Blacklist.addRecipe(liquid:gold, minecraft:golden_rail);

Blacklist.addRecipe(liquid:iron, minecraft:iron_horse_armor);
Blacklist.addRecipe(liquid:iron, minecraft:rail);
Blacklist.addRecipe(liquid:iron, minecraft:activator_rail);
Blacklist.addRecipe(liquid:iron, minecraft:detector_rail);

I have imported Overrides and Blacklist ofcourse.


Okay, thanks for the tip! But yea, I added a blacklist entry for those items.


Have you tried a blacklist for all gold or iron? Since those are the ores you are blocking.


Yep, no items resulting in iron or gold can be smelted in the melter anymore, except for these 6 items


I looked into the integration, and it looks like the blacklist is handled really poorly by modtweaker. To expand upon that, I do not add any crafttweaker integration myself, its all on modtweaker.

The fluid in the blacklist is entirely unused, which makes sense because my blacklist does not handle fluids. I see no reason why the itemstack blacklist recipes would not be working, but I cannot understand the logic behind the integration in CraftTweaker, so maybe that is what broke it. To explain it a bit more, the liquid is entirely unused in Blacklist.addRecipe, except that he uses the liquid size to be the item stack size. The item is all that should matter, and he adds items the same way I do.

So this may be a code bug, as what you are typing should work. However, neither Tinkers Complement or ModTweaker are getting any new 1.12 updates, so if it is a bug, its unlikely to be fixed.


Okay. Well thanks for your time and answers, I appreciate it!
Ill guess I just have to accept it for now.