Tinkers Construct

Tinkers Construct


[Suggestion] Disable Mouse Tweaks mod scrolling behaviour on scrollable inventories (compatibility fix)

MarioSMB opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Mantle Version


Tinkers' Construct Version

Problem description

Tinker's Construct features several inventories (smeltery, tinker's chest etc) that are can be scrolled through to see more items.
This behaviour is great, except there's a conflict in designs that can cause some annoyance: scrolling also withdraws/deposits items!

Suggested solution

It would be nice if there were an option in the configuration files to disable scrolling to withdraw/deposit items from the smeltery and other scrollable inventories.

Alternatives considered

None that I can think of that would not cause controversy.

Additional context

No response

Searched for existing enhancement?

Used the search bar, Checked the FAQ


Pretty sure using the scroll wheel to extract items is not vanilla


Okay, so... this is a compatibility issue with the Mouse Tweaks mod.
Tinker's Construct must be doing something custom with GuiContainer handling, so it will likely need their @MouseTweaksDisableWheelTweak API hook applied to these inventories, according to their documentation: https://bitbucket.org/YaLTeR/mouse-tweaks/src/754d78980b7f6e3121cbacd585963a4a38a4e618/src/api/java/yalter/mousetweaks/api/?at=master


I would rather avoid adding a runtime time dependency on another mod. I suggest you open an issue with mouse tweaks for a way to do this without causing the mod to crash if mouse tweaks is not loaded. Honestly, they should just use a Container tag so I do not even need a compile time dependency.


I don't know the technical details but I've opened an issue on their tracker for this, hopefully some resolution can be found.
In the meantime for anyone stumbling upon this issue, a workaround would be to set WheelTweak=0 in the MouseTweaks.cfg config file - this of course disables all of the scrolling capabilities so it's not a perfect solution.