Tinkers Construct

Tinkers Construct


Wrong yields for Byproducts shown in JEI (1.18.2)

Gitcrafter opened this issue · 11 comments


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Mantle Version


Tinkers' Construct Version

Describe your issue

For the Foundry I have set the Oreyield to 3 Ingots/Gems and the Byproductyield to 1 Ingot/Gem and that is working as it should, but in JEI it only very few ores with the correct yield wich are the Copper Ore(Regular/Deepslate), Raw Copper and Block of Raw Copper and all JAOPCA added Recipes, with all other ores, raw metals and blocks of raw metals showing a 3x the Byproductyield, despite giving the correct yield on melting, the Issue persist, when testing only with Mantle, Tinkers Construct and JEI

Crash Report

no crash involved

Other mods

Mantle, Tinkers Construct, JEI (

Reproducing with only Tinker is not possible, since JEI is required to show the Recipes

Tried reproducing with just Tinkers?


Performance Enchancers

None of the above

Searched for known issues?

Searched open issues

  1. Unrelated issues should be on their own ticket
  2. That is intentional. It's a byproduct, it's your job to ensure there is space

well ensuring that there is enough free space is very difficult without comparator support


Did some digging into this myself, the problem fortunately was visible from your config file without me needing to dive into your mod list. You boosted regular ores to 300% their regular output, and JEI is using that rate to boost byproducts displayed, it should only use that rate to boost the primary output for the foundry.

The thing that threw me off was you insisting that copper was correct. I strongly suspect that copper fits the same trend as the rest of the ores, you just misunderstood that copper ore has 1/3 of the byproduct.


It's not clear to me what the issue is here, can you provide screenshots of some example affected recipes? Is the correct value shown when you try crafting it? Sounds to me like a misunderstanding of the ore rate config

There is absolutely no reason copper would work while others would not, however copper does have less byproduct than the average ore, thus suggesting misunderstanding.

This does sound a little like a bug that was fixed in 3.5.1, its literally impossible for the byproduct rate to affect just JEI after that version as the byproduct rate is only considered during JSON parsing.


when melting the ore in the foundry it produces the correct amounts based on the config and after checking again in fact Raw Copper is the only ore showing the correct Recipe
Here an Example of the incorrectly shown Recipes with Raw Iron:
JEI shows me melting 1 Raw Iron in the Foundry gives 3 Ingots of Molten Iron + 3 Ingots of Molten Nickel,
but when actually melting the Raw Iron in the Foundry it gives 3 Ingots of Molten Iron + 1 Ingot of Molten Nickel

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2022-11-06_16 06 07
2022-11-06_16 07 34
2022-11-06_16 07 37


Can you provide a screenshot of the mod list from the main menu, or a screenshot of your mods folder?

Also, provide your tinkers config file.


#Everything to do with gameplay
#Set this to false to disable new players spawning with the Tinkers' Book.
shouldSpawnWithTinkersBook = true
#If non-empty, only this material will be shown on tools in creative and JEI (or the first valid material if this is invalid for the tool).
#If empty, all materials will show
showOnlyToolMaterial = ""
#If non-empty, only material will be shown on parts in creative and JEI (or the first valid material if this is invalid for the part).
#If empty, all materials will show
showOnlyPartMaterial = ""
#If true, tables such as the part builder and tinker station will show all variants. If false shows only a variant with a default texture.
showAllTableVariants = true
#If true, anvils will show all metal variants. If false, shows only a variant with the default texture
showAllAnvilVariants = true

#Tweaks to vanilla damage sources to better work with armor
	#Makes withering damage count as magic
	wither = true
	#Makes dragons breath count as magic
	dragon_breath = true
	#Makes falling blocks count as projectile
	falling_block = false
	#Makes lightning count as fire damage
	lightning = true

#Options related to recipes, limited options as a datapack allows most recipes to be modified
#Add a recipe that allows you to craft a piece of flint using 3 gravel
addGravelToFlintRecipe = false
#Makes the recipe to alloy netherite in the smeltery only cost 2 gold per netherite ingot. If false uses the vanilla rate of 4 gold per ingot. Disable if there are crafting duplications.
cheaperNetheriteAlloy = true
#Makes wither skeletons drop necrotic bones
witherBoneDrop = true
#Allows converting wither bones to regular bones
witherBoneConversion = true
#Slimeballs not being usable in vanilla recipes that require slimeballs. Config option exists to disable easily in case this fix is redundant to another mod
slimeRecipeFix = true
#Fixes clear glass not being usable in vanilla recipes that require glass. Config option exists to disable easily in case this fix is redundant to another mod
glassRecipeFix = true


	#Ore rates when melting in the melter
		#Number of nuggets produced per metal ore unit melted. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot
		#Range: 1 ~ 45
		nuggetsPerMetal = 27
		#Number of gem shards produced per gem ore unit melted. 4 gem shards would give 1 gem
		#Range: 1 ~ 20
		shardsPerGem = 12

	#Ore rates when melting in the smeltery
		#Number of nuggets produced per metal ore unit melted. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot
		#Range: 1 ~ 45
		nuggetsPerMetal = 27
		#Number of gem shards produced per gem ore unit melted. 4 gem shards would give 1 gem
		#Range: 1 ~ 20
		shardsPerGem = 12

	#Ore rates when melting in the foundry
		#Number of nuggets produced per metal ore unit melted. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot
		#Range: 1 ~ 45
		nuggetsPerMetal = 27
		#Number of gem shards produced per gem ore unit melted. 4 gem shards would give 1 gem
		#Range: 1 ~ 20
		shardsPerGem = 12

	#Byprouct rates when melting in the foundry
		#Number of nuggets produced per metal ore unit melted. 9 nuggets would give 1 ingot
		#Range: 1 ~ 45
		nuggetsPerMetal = 9
		#Number of gem shards produced per gem ore unit melted. 4 gem shards would give 1 gem
		#Range: 1 ~ 20
		shardsPerGem = 4

#Entity head drops when killed by a charged creeper
	blaze = true
	enderman = true
	stray = true
	husk = true
	drowned = true
	spider = true
	cave_spider = true
	piglin = true
	piglin_brute = true
	zombified_piglin = true

#Options related to loot table injections. Note some of the changes are done via global loot managers, these only control injecting loot into loot pools
#If your modpack makes extensive loot table changes, many of these may be automatically disabled. You can also manually set up tables for more control.
#Adds slimy saplings and seeds into various loot chests. Helps for worlds without slime islands
slimy_loot = true
#Weight of blazing blood in the piglin bartering tables. Set to 0 to disable
#Range: 0 ~ 100
barter_blazing_blood = 20
#Weight of tinker tools in the vanilla spawn bonus chest, randomly replacing the vanilla axe or shovel. Tool will have a random tier 1 head and binding, plus a wooden handle. Set to 0 to disable.
#For comparison, vanilla wooden axes and pickaxes have a weight of 3, and stone axes/pickaxes have a weight of 1
#Range: 0 ~ 25
tinker_tool_bonus_chest = 2
#If true, ender dragons will drop scales when damaged by explosions
drop_dragon_Scales = true

#Everything to do with world generation
#Generate Cobalt
generateCobalt = true
#Approx Ores per Chunk
veinCountCobalt = 8

#Options related to slime geodes
	#If true, earthslime geodes generate deep in the world as another way to get slime
	earth = true
	#If true, skyslime geodes generate above amethyst as another way to get skyslime
	sky = true
	#If true, ichor geodes generate high in the nether. Strongly encouraged to keep enabled even if you disable the other geodes, as ichor crystals have some unique recipes and the fallbacks kinda suck for gameplay.
	ichor = true
	#If true, enderslime geodes generate as additional islands in the end
	ender = true

#Features to use in debugging gameplay and mechanics, generally should not be enabled in packs
#If true, forces integration materials to be enabled, even if the relevant metal is missing. Useful for testing material balance.
#Does not provide recipes for any of them, they will only be available to cheat in creative.
forceIntegrationMaterials = false




Did you manage to reproduce with fewer mods? If you reproduced with just Tinkers and JEI, show me that mod list instead of a list of 100+ mods.

Also, let me reiterate, you describing that copper is correct and no others are makes no sense. Please, try melting copper ore to verify that you see the same value in JEI as you get when melting. Copper ore normally has 1/3 of the byproduct of other ores, the rate is a multiplier, not an absolute value


Of course you are right with the copper ore, I forgot the increased yield of copper ore compared to the other ores and while confirming this, I found another unrelated issue:
when melting things in the Foundry, that have byproducts and there is not enough free space for the full amount of the byproduct, the amount of byproduct, that doesn´t fit in the Foundry, gets deleted


Fixed in