Tinkers Construct

Tinkers Construct


Modifiers do not show in JEI if the first world you load into is a server

ChiefArug opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Mantle Version

Tinkers' Construct Version


Describe your issue

If you join a server before joining a singleplayer world then modifiers in the ingredient list do not show up (I also had it happen with casting recipes, but haven't been able to reproduce that).
This error appears in the logs when joining:

 Caught an error from mod plugin: class slimeknights.tconstruct.plugin.jei.JEIPlugin tconstruct:jei_plugin
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ingredients must not be empty.

If I then join a single player world, the modifiers still do not show up, but the error does not happen again.

However, if I start the game and join a single player world before a server, then everything works as expected, even if I later join a server.

Crash Report


Other mods

Small pack of ~30 mods which shouldn't be affecting Tinkers (and are not mentioned in the stacktrace)
Full mod list is a part of the logs gist if needed.

Tried reproducing with just Tinkers?


Performance Enchancers

None of the above

Searched for known issues?

Checked pinned issues, Searched open issues, Searched closed issues, Checked the FAQ


I think this is specifically related to JEI 10+ breaking something, as we're seeing this happen in Draconic Evolution 3 for 1.18.2 and also already fixed it. May or may not be related, but worth a mention anyways.


The specific thing that broke is new, one of our caches loading too early due to vanilla logic.


Fixed in