Tinkers Construct

Tinkers Construct


JEI Molten Bucket Recipes Appear As Conflicting With Immersive Engineering Bottling Machine

cyberdragon442 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


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Describe your issue

JEI shows multiple/conflicting bottling (bucket/tank filling) recipes for the same fluid with a bottling machine. This appears to be due to too many fluids sharing tags (all fluids of one tag show as turning into the same fluid). I have not had it actually do this in game, though this may not always be the case (due to recipe order). If it does happen you'd be able to transmute fluids.

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I don't see how its a Tinkers' Construct problem that the bottling machine shows wrong recipes. This is on Immersive Engineering's side if their JEI integration doesn't work; our fluids are normal fluids and we have no special integration with IE's bottling machine. Report this issue to Immersive Engineering.


I don't see how its a Tinkers' Construct problem that the bottling machine shows wrong recipes. This is on Immersive Engineering's side if their JEI integration doesn't work; our fluids are normal fluids and we have no special integration with IE's bottling machine. Report this issue to Immersive Engineering.

Not exactly, IE is doing what it's supposed to do, it's reading tags and generating recipes that ensure fuid of tag X makes fluid X. For example, all tags of tconstruct:clay turn into one thing, metals turn into each other (for me it was pig iron). The recipes that are faulty literally say "accepts any tag #tconstruct:X", be careful with the tag usage, other mods will do this too (the same way your smeltery automatically works with Embers fluids).


Again, no, its not tinkers fault that I tag my fluids. Fluid tags are like item tags; they don't declare equivalencies.

Its up to IE to ensure if they try to "deduplicate" fluids to not show those duplicates. I am properly using tags, and thus there is nothing I can change on my side to fix this issue. So you should report this issue to Immersive Engineering and link it here.


Yeah, this is just nonsense and flat out wrong: https://github.com/BluSunrize/ImmersiveEngineering/blob/be78896be8b6be40a9313a889f28396fddf23366/src/main/java/blusunrize/immersiveengineering/common/util/compat/jei/JEIHelper.java#L241-L249

All IE has to do is make a recipe that inputs the given fluid. They have the ability to do this by making a list with just the fluid's ID. Finding the first non minecraft/non forge tag for the fluid is a horrible heuristic that makes zero sense; its both pointless as there is nothing useful that tag will contain assuming its the fluids tag beyond the flowing form of the fluid (which there are easier ways to get), and completely wrong as the fluid might have a tag thats not just that fluid under their namespace.

Fluid tags are meant to be used like item tags; not to be a set containing the fluid and nothing else.

I'm closing this as after inspecting their code its very clearly wrong and nothing I can do to fix this without just entirely deleting every single fluid tag in the mod, which is a stupid solution that would break so many systems. So again, report this to Immersive Engineering if you want it fixed, its their code.