Tinkers' MEMES

Tinkers' MEMES


[Suggestion] add config for changing some stats

MasterBuilder747 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Config features:

  • Enabling/ disabling the actuator/ disassembler/flux item [boolean]
  • how many times the modifier can be stacked (1-64) [int]
  • actuator: how much energy will be consumed per usage of the tool (default is 160) [int]
  • for adding the power buffer: how much is added per modifier (default is 80,000) [int]

Some ideas that I would like, but are probably hard to implement atm:

  • make it so that durability could be consumed at a configurable % chance [double, 0.0-1.0, if set to 0, will only use FE, if 1, then always consumes durability, note that it will always consume FE in an situation]: this can balance this mod out and may help with the ppl saying that its OP
  • custom tiered actuators (color in HEX, optional resource ID, power per usage, energy buffer increase, durability % chance)
  • perhaps integrating mekanism's/ EiO's / Thermal's capacitors to integrate with the modifier system just like how TiC 1 did, either using those capacitors to add the same amount of power buffer directly or in a recipe for an actuator version of each

for disabling the various modifiers, it would be a little difficult to implement because of the possible case where a client config and server config differ; i think the best solution would be for a server owner to disable the respective recipes using e.g. crafttweaker

for the random chance thing, i think a good implementation would be to combine with the modifier level thing: create two config keys for base chance and additional chance per additional modifier level

for the actuator tiers thing, it's an interesting idea but it would be a breaking change for the current version of tmemes; i might use it for the next major version (i.e. whenever forge 1.14 is out of beta and modders start moving there)


actually, i just remembered that the disassembling modifier's recipe kinda can't be disabled. i'll try to find a workaround and implement a config option i guess


nice, thanks