Tinker's Planner

Tinker's Planner


[Feature Request] "Recreate from Item" button

Apceniy opened this issue · 1 comments


It would be very convenient to have a way to input a tool I have in my inventory so I don't have to manually input every part and modifier (the opposite of the "Give Item" button). It would be useful, for example, when I want to know what else can I do with the tool I already have. It could be a button in the Tinker's Station/Anvil that would target the tool in the corresponding slot of the block, or in the planner itself, in which case it would target the tool in the hand.


This is a planned feature. The button will only be able to import the tool parts and not the modifiers as the mod needs to know the order that modifiers are applied in order to do proper validation, something that can’t easily be taken from a tool’s NBT