


Tip Cycling Progress Bar

Brittank88 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I've seen before in games that have tips progress bars indicating when the next tip is going to be brought up. I feel as if this would pair wonderfully with #33!


could I suggest another option where clicking on the screen instead cycles the tips early and people can instead increase the duration of the tips cycling so they're easier to read and browse through?

Or maybe a "leftclick", "middleclick" and "rightclick" where you can press them while in menus and hovering over the corner where the tips are displayed to go to the next, random or previous tip in a sequence?

a cycling circle or meter could be placed in the margin besides the tips text as a plus for when you're just waiting.

I think just accepting if the menu goes away that the tip will get cut off is just fine. Because you do have the loading graphic and you can always just inspect the tips in escape menu while in game it the tip is still there until it cycles regardless. Making it so that the cycling also only happens when you click on the tip's text space to begin with also stops you from accidentally cycling them also when interacting with the escape menu itself.


My main concern with adding this is that the max time the tip is displayed is not always known. For example if the tip's cycle time is set to 25 seconds, and the world loading screen is only displayed for 15 seconds the tip will be hidden prematurely.


You make a good point. Though, I feel it could just be accepted that world load complete can cut off the tip at any time. For larger modpacks, this is still nice whilst the person waits. They should have the world loading graphic to judge by anyhow!