


[suggestion] Ways to cycle tips manually.

Darkmega18 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


(a copy and paste of my post of this from the other issue. Just so it's separate and visible for consideration.)
could I suggest the ability or option to have it where clicking on the screen instead cycles the tips early and people can instead increase the duration of the tips cycling so they're easier to read and browse through?

Or maybe a "leftclick", "middleclick" and "rightclick" where you can press them while in menus and hovering over the corner where the tips are displayed to go to the next, random or previous tip in a sequence?

a cycling circle or meter could be placed in the margin besides the tips text as a plus for when you're just waiting.


is the mouse still active in the loading screen? even if it's just like, mousing over the tip stops it from cycling, and having the little loading circle icon that shows you how much time is left on the tip before it changes would be pretty decent also.

As well as potentially having them go in order, rather than being random. People can handle numbering their own tips in text through resource packs after that.


Thanks for the suggestion. I would like to add this feature but I am not sure when I will have time to work on it. Clicking may not be the best way to implement this because some of the inventories have buttons and inventories.


it could hypothetically just cycle numerically through tips as part of each mod, if the numbers exist otherwise just the order they're loaded in (alphabetical by name of file the tip is in), and then also alphabetically through mods by identifier (or whatever the order used on loading basically).


I advise against an additional sequence number; it doesn't mesh well with the concept of multiple mods that add tips.


Unfortunately manually defined ordering will create more issues than it solves. We can simply keep a reference to the last tip displayed, or even benefit on the suggested behavior from #99 and just move through the current sessions randomized list.


sounds good. whatever works. as long as it doesn't like, give me the same tip two or three times in the same long loading screen and cycles albeit not sequentially, just, through stuff it hasn't displayed in a while. Since I made a decent amount of tips in my last pack and sometimes I'd never see some of them.