


1.12: Tip text containing single % gives format error

Gaelmare opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I have this definition in the config file in 1.12:

    S:customTips <
        Powderkegs pack boom into one block with 100% drops...Go find that sulfur

This results in a Format Error displayed:
Screenshot from 2022-02-14 11-03-07

Is there any way to avoid this other than doubling the %? If I do so, other mods displaying tips now need different text than the tips for this mod.


The tips are formatted using Mojang's text formatter. They reserve % as a special character so a double % is required to escape it.

Under normal circumstances I would look into adding a feature to auto-escape % however this issue is not relevant to modern versions and 1.12 is not supported.