Tokenable Furnaces and Storage

Tokenable Furnaces and Storage


FPS Drop with Large Double Chests

ProSabre opened this issue · 3 comments



I'm not sure if this is a bug or just a limitation within Minecraft but I have noticed that I have a significant drop in FPS when I open my amethyst double chest which has a considerable amount of items in. I usually have a rock solid 120 fps in normal play, when I open the chest I drop to around 70ish fps. I should also mention that I have ruled REI out as the cause of this as I use the texture caching feature to boost performance.
I have provided some screenshots below:

With Chest Closed
2022-07-07_17 40 15

With Chest Open
2022-07-07_17 40 23

Kind Regards


Yeah not much I can do about that without changing how vanilla handles slots. There are around 864 item stacks on screen + your inventory when you are in the massive storage chests.


I've spent a dozen hours pouring over chest code and the only solution I can find is to implement my own UI code like the other large chest mods do, and I don't care enough to do that really.


Thanks for the response!
Aah, I thought that might have been the case in all fairness. Great mod though!