[Suggestion] Mod Support for Expandable Backpacks and Cosmetic Armor Reworked
WenXin20 opened this issue ยท 15 comments
Expandable Backpacks Mod:
Cosmetic Armor Reworked Mod:
Using the newest versions of both mods (TombManyGraves-1.9.4_1.10.2-2.1.8 and Expandable Backpacks 1.1.8) the gravestones still do not capture the backpack if it's stored in the backpack slot.
I've been a bit of a slacker since my wedding last month...I'll try to look into this tomorrow and see if I can add compatibility to Expandable Backpacks easily enough.
Sorry for the late work here, but I can't add compatibility with Expandable Backpacks until they fix a bug that deletes Soulbound-enchanted items.
What about Eydamos's backback mod?
@WenXin20 I saw that. If nothing comes up with work today, I can try to get the compatibility working this afternoon.
@Doragoon01 I can take a look at adding that compatibility as well.
@WenXin20 @Doragoon01 The newest version adds support for both of the backpack mods. Let me know if anything is broken! :-)
@M4thG33k Currently Cosmetic Armor Reworked (v1a) and TMG (v3.03) are not working together. Any cosmetic armors are dropped on the ground.
Version 3.0.0+ of TMG has its own issue tracker: https://github.com/M4thG33k/TombManyGraves2/issues
This is because TMG2 was re-written slightly from prior versions. Please post this issue there instead. Thank you.
The mod should already be compatible with Cosmetic Armor (unless they changed something on their end which broke compatibility), but I'll take a look at both of these later this week.
Thanks, for Cosmetic Armor, I noticed that sometimes the armor fell on the ground and sometimes it didn't.