Server crash
UnNinja opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Whoops, sorry. http://pastebin.com/5tbqEkzj there ya go (for a later crash, but same one)
Edit: unsure if this is related, saw this in the server log http://i.imgur.com/7MKi2S9.jpg
What's interesting about this crash is it's due to a player's UUID (their unique ID number) not being valid. I'm not sure if my proposed fix is going to help with this (since it's impossible for me to cause myself to have an invalid ID), but I'm going to try posting a fix.
That'd be a no. Server restarts shortly after anyone logs in, no crash log but the console spams this. A lot
That's code from Minecraft's internal networking handler; is everyone using a legit version of Minecraft?
Fairly sure. Not sure the problem was entirely tmg though. something funky happened with that update even after we removed tmg and we ended up rolling back. Trying again in a couple days when I have time to troubleshoot things
We are having the same issue
SpongeAPI: 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT-cebc736
SpongeForge: 1.10.2-2098-6.0.0-BETA-1826
Minecraft Forge:
The server is crashing every time this player logs in.
Find attached his playerfile, you should be able to change it to your uuid and log in as him using the Allthemods modpack on curse version 1.38b.