Tomb Many Graves

Tomb Many Graves


NBT Overload with nested death lists

Column01 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


If you die with a death info tablet in your inventory and then continue to die over and over, the death info tablets become nested in your player data, causing an NBT overload.

A player on one of my servers "died" while fighting a chaos dragon while in draconic armor which revived him, but it was spamming him with death info tablets (which is another bug I believe. It generates a tablet despite the player not actually dying due to how draconic evolution handles the event). After it spammed him with a bunch of them, his player data grew to 92KB in size causing his data to overflow and he was disconnected from the server unable to reconnect.

I have attached a zip archive with the two player-data files (before and after) to show how bad it really is. Below is an image as an example of the nesting. One solution I thought of was to exclude the death list item from the listing of a player's inventory inside the death list so that they do not nest like this.


The player just had it happen again, this time it built up to 139KB of data from the tablets.


For now, I have them disabled in the config for the mod, but this really is an issue that needs to be addressed for future versions ๐Ÿ˜„


Wrong github. Posted a comment on the one for the new version here