Tom's Simple Storage Mod

Tom's Simple Storage Mod


CREATE + toms connectors is bad lag maker

SirBastol opened this issue · 7 comments


what ahpepsn is stuff 'like this'. chute or smart shut above a flat inventory connector ( unfiltered). and inventory is coming into the chute and into the connector to the storage network . but as soon as the spot is empty toms sees the chute or funnel. or belt slot touching it. as an empty inventory space and other contraptions that are inputting to the storage network filmlthose spots ( white ) which then dumps it to the toms. which then dumps it to the chute.. createing a loop of bad lag generating computes.. and with create speeds. tis even worse ..

solution : the big square connect all connected storage block of toms needs to have a filter slot for adding either. a type of storage item. (like chests). or flat connector. and be able to set the flat connectors as input surfaces or output surfaces ( can see into it . or just accepts inputs). or a separate input surface connector..

those could have filters too for multi block storage. that. can say how far it can see or what types of storage it will accept to look into

spark report on the loop lag. causes a lot of ticking entities that don't need to tick .

connecting a crafting or storage terminal. should not need an inventory connector behind it. or. the 'connect everything touching block)

also a netherite upgrade request for. the toms hoppers. so you can move a stack at a time. please)


I was trying to locate lag on our server so I installed Observable and found these inventory hoppers are making lots of ticks (shown in red)



I have the exact same problem Claudius. My server can handle Create Mod and a bunch of other wild stuff like Immersive Portals, but specifically, a single hopper from Tom's causes more lag than anything else.


this also happens if you put a hopper pushing into the inventory connector flat
as a test point a hopper at an flat inventory connector and put a stack in. you wills it go 64. 63. 64. 63 64 63. etc
these loops are bad lag creators..
if a hopper white funnel or other item mover like a belt is connected to a flat plate. it should become an input only system

if its pointed the other way. ( sucking chute or sucking hopper top. or a belt pulling out of a funnel. then it should be an output plate only ..


toms hoppers could fix this if they connected to al late same storages on its surfaces. but it does not and it needs to move stacks not one at a time.. ;
ie toms hoppers do not connect to chutes or hoppers. but do connect to belts and not vaults


feature request.. paintable controller modules backgrounds with. plank blocks or stripped logs..


if you puta toms block on a vault..
(block shaped storage connector connect all block)
and a funnel outputting to a depot. . it creates a loop

or a funnel outputting and inputting into a belt. it makes a loop they all get treated as a multiblockstorage and then lag happens. spiking tps to the pits