Tom's Simple Storage Mod

Tom's Simple Storage Mod


Items appearing in item list, but not capable of being searched for, when used with a mod that implements lazy language loading

solonovamax opened this issue ยท 3 comments



I have this storage system which previously worked fine, however, for some unknown reason, it is now broken.

There are some items where even if I know they are in the system (as they are displayed when not searching), if I attempt to search for their name, I cannot find them.

Here is a demonstration video:

Also, this bug is rather annoying as I cannot reproduce it outside of my specific storage system. If I place an inventory connector beside some chests for testing, then when searching using the crafting terminal, I'm able to find all the items. It might be positional ? idk.

Also, there is nothing in the logs indicating why such a thing would be occurring.
Here are my logs (also contains mods list):

version: 1.6.5
mc version: 1.20.1
other mods: see logs
mod loader: fabric


Update: I have since restarted my game, and the bug is no longer occurring and I cannot reproduce. Leaving this issue open, as it is still a bug.

Update 2: never mind, the issue is still happening, however it is just happening for different items now.

Last night I had tried relaunching the game several times, but it did not work. I'm not sure what has changed.


This is happening to my personal storage system. I have 64 nether chests from the nether chested mod connected directly to my storage system and a bunch of satellite farms connected in with inventory cable connectors. That system has this search bug, but I also have a separate storage system that's only connected to the 8 or so farm chests for my friends to use and that doesn't have the bug at all. This started immediately after I updated the mod. mc version 1.19.2 version 1.5.9


I identified the issue previously, but forgor to update this issue:

if you have a mod that's called smth along the lines of "lazy language loader" or "language reloaded", then it may be lazy loading the lang files, which causes this issue.