Tom's Simple Storage Mod

Tom's Simple Storage Mod


1.20.1 v1.6.5 Items don't go back into their corresponding chests when using Storage Terminal/Crafting Terminal(also occurs when crafting)

funk192 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I'm running Prominence 2 fabric modpack which includes Tom's Storage and I have a wall of barrels/chests/inventories where I've manually placed all items. I'm not if this is how the mod is supposed to work but whenever I place an item into the terminal they just go back into the nearest chest/barrel.

It also happens when you go to craft something, anything left over goes to the nearest chest/barrel. If you accidentally take one item or many items out and place it back again the same thing happens and it's so infuriating I have to go and take stuff out of that chest to put in their proper chest and makes me not want to use the crafting terminal for its purpose.

I'm not sure if I am doing things correctly, but if that's how it's meant to work then what's the point when it's just going to make a mess of things.