Tom's Simple Storage Mod

Tom's Simple Storage Mod


Advanced Wireless-Terminal Reach

NoobKeksTV opened this issue ยท 7 comments



i wanna change the Advanced Wireless-Terminal reach.
I found the config option but it says "x-512"... What if i wanna go higher than 512? I would like it to be way further or best case globally available. Is there a way to do this?


You can place a beacon near the terminal to extend the range.

I already built a level 4 beacon and it still doesn't work, even in a 300 blocks radius it still doesn't work and simply shows "Terminal out of range." despite having a level 4 beacon in range.

And yes, it has the beacon icon appearing on the right side of the terminal, indicating the level of it.


Make sure the terminal and the beacon is chunkloaded.


You can place a beacon near the terminal to extend the range.


how far would that bring it?


It depends on the beacon level, and your config. Hold shift while hovering over the advanced terminal in your inventory. If you can't see it, it is disabled in your pack/configs.


Oke, im gonna look into that.
Like i said tho, id like to have a distance higher than the "512" it says in the config, is that possible?


I built my beacon underground right next to the crafting terminal so it was within eight blocks, with only transparent blocks above the beacon so it can shine into the sky. The advanced wireless terminal didn't work until the beacon was close to the crafting terminal linked to the wireless terminal.