Tool Belt

Tool Belt


Can no longer assign Mouse Buttons

Opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Ever since the last update (1.11.2-1.6.1) I am unable to use mouse Buttons 4/5 as the swap button; it now only seems to work with keyboard keys? When assigned to a mouse button, the ring-menu will appear briefly but close immediately again.


Hmmm, I don't recall changing anything related to that, but I will take a look as soon as I can.


This may just be an issue with my mouse. I noticed today some strange bahaviour from it in other programs. I ordered a new one; arrives tomorrow. If this resolves it I will let you know.


@ash70 Could be the drivers didn't install properly or weren't registered so button4 and button5 don't function properly! Anyways please due update!


Oh yeah, it was my mouse [derp] sorry to have bothered you.