Tool Progression

Tool Progression


"Materials and You" shows harvest level names incorrectly after changing B:tconstruct in config

TCreopargh opened this issue ยท 1 comments


So I changed the B:tconstruct=true line in config from true to false to disable the diamond and emerald modifier overwrites and also to fix a bug with another mod (This option conflicts with the Draconic Evolution tools Tinkers' Evolution mod for some weird reason), but I noticed that when I toggle this option off, the harvest level names shown in "Materials and You"(TCon guide book) does not apply the changes I made, it only shows vanilla harvest level names instead.
It worked as intended before I turned this off, which shows my custom harvest level names.
I don't think it's the intended behavior, this option should only affect the emerald and diamond modifiers.


Duplicate of #23