ToroHealth Damage Indicators

ToroHealth Damage Indicators


[Request] Floating Numbers only mode

NielsPilgaard opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I would like to request a config for only having the floating damage numbers, not entity / bar / skin. Disabling bar seems to make the floating numbers disappear, not sure if that's intentional.

I hope you'll consider it :)


Sorry I missed this on my last release. I have cleaned up the issues on this project a bit and then saw this one again. However, I just tested and it appears that this is no longer an issue. Maybe I fixed it by accident? Please feel free to comment back here, but for now I will close the issue.


This is still an issue in torohealth-1.16.4-forge-4

My config:

    "watchForChanges": true,
    "hud": {
        "distance": 60,
        "x": 4.0,
        "y": 4.0,
        "scale": 1.0,
        "hideDelay": 20,
        "anchorPoint": "TOP_LEFT",
        "showEntity": false,
        "showBar": false,
        "showSkin": false
    "bar": {
        "damageNumberType": "LAST",
        "friendColor": 16711935,
        "friendColorSecondary": 8388863,
        "foeColor": -16776961,
        "foeColorSecondary": -2147483393
    "inWorld": {
        "mode": "NONE",
        "distance": 60.0,
        "onlyWhenLookingAt": false,
        "onlyWhenHurt": false
    "particle": {
        "show": true,
        "damageColor": 16711680,
        "healColor": 65280

You are talking about the damage particles that pop out of entities when you hit them, not the damage number at the right side of the bar, correct?


Yes that is correct :)

with the following config, they're hidden:

    "watchForChanges": true,
    "hud": {
        "distance": 60,
        "x": 4.0,
        "y": 4.0,
        "scale": 1.0,
        "hideDelay": 20,
        "anchorPoint": "TOP_LEFT",
        "showEntity": false,
        "showBar": false,
        "showSkin": false
    "bar": {
        "damageNumberType": "LAST",
        "friendColor": 16711935,
        "friendColorSecondary": 8388863,
        "foeColor": -16776961,
        "foeColorSecondary": -2147483393
    "inWorld": {
        "mode": "NONE",
        "distance": 60.0,
        "onlyWhenLookingAt": false,
        "onlyWhenHurt": false
    "particle": {
        "show": true

OK, yes that sounds like a bug then. I meant to test this out before and never got around to it. Thanks for posting an issue here, it is easier to track.