ToroQuest Revamped

ToroQuest Revamped


Option to remove Cartographer trades to reduce lag spikes / server stress

barttraeger opened this issue ยท 3 comments


The trades of the cartographer (maps to mansions, monuments, villages) can cause a lot of stress for the server,
as it searches for the nearest structures. After trading with him I experience constant lag spikes.
There seems to be no way to remove these trades properly since they're hardcoded in
"toroquest/entities/trades/ ".
Removing the trade in the ToroQuest-config doesn't work.
I've also tried to remove them via the mod Villager Trade Tables with different profession/career names with no luck.
Is there a method I haven't thought of or could you implement an option in the config to disable the trades ?


But my city is logging because I didn't fix render distance upper 5 shorts


fixed a while ago. added "cartographerMapTrade" config option in addition to optimizing the map trade