ToroQuest Revamped

ToroQuest Revamped


[Bug] Multiple Lords spawn inside of each other when generating village

barttraeger opened this issue ยท 4 comments


ToroQuest Version: ToroQuest-Revamped-3-6-2022.jar
Forge Version:
No other mods loaded

With the newest version there seems to be a bug when populating the village.
In the castle multiple Lords spawn on top of each other, crammed together in one blockspace.
This happens quite frequently, but not in all villages.
It also seems that there are more guards around than usual.
Could be a bug while populating the village causing the spawn mechanism to fire multiple times.
Tested with only the newest version of ToroQuest loaded, no other mods.
2022-03-10_07 47 08


I can confirm this behaviour through each new play test.
I don't think it happens to EVERY lord in different provinces, only the nearest starting province that I discover,he is double-headed.
MAY also be a cause of a bug that comes up that breaks the quest line at random, perhaps the player is clicking on the 'doppleganger' and triggers the 'complete' and it confuses them and breaks the quest.
This does NOT happen to lords in other provinces, as they are single and they have quests of their own.
EDIT: Duplicates were found in other provinces today.

Haven't got as far yet to see if their quests line breaks too. Something to check out for sure.


i believe this has been fixed, confirmed by the dev


ToroQuest-Revamped-3-6-2022 1.12.2 is the most updated
OP is right, this bug still exists. Thought I'd come back and post the following image though, because this time they suddenly decided to separate, ha ha!

Yes there are two lords, and I can see their names: "Youmen" and "Zale".

I guess they are 'sharing' the lordship together over this province.

They are in fact separate and handing out quests, as Zale was still holding emeralds from my last quest, and Youmen did not, and probably depended on which one that I clicked on originally. They both give out the same quest, which may cause conflict, or even failure of quest system (which happens often in the dual lord province, and NOT so far in other provinces who don't seem to produce duplicates)

EDIT: Yes duplicates were found in other provinces.


Polyarchy has been removed! Multiple kings no longer spawn in the latest version! Enjoy your dictatorship world...