


Add Throne Room dungeon

zeriley opened this issue ยท 2 comments

  • will spawn between y 10 and 30
  • modeled after Throne Room built in basements world
  • the Rainbow Guard:
    • when a player steps within 8 blocks of one of the rainbow guardsmen, it and its pair will both aggro and attack that player
    • each pair should have complementary attacks (ranged and melee, fast and low hp with slow and high hp, magic and axe, etc.)
    • they will wear custom armor that is the appropriate color and there is a chance they will drop it when killed
    • maybe when you defeat them, they turn back into armor stands with their armor on it
  • The King:
    • should be 4m tall and have a seated pose
    • inactive and invulnerable until all Rainbow Guard is killed
    • drops King Armor
    • first pass will just be high hp; will try to implement AI and lower his hp later
      • maybe he doesn't move at all and only re-summons Rainbow Guard pairs with halved hp, and maybe some magic attacks
  • randomly placed treasure rooms under lava flow or trapdoor under red carpet
  • would like to add on a randomly-generated broken bridge in front of the portcullis, but for the first pass, we'll probably skip that

Completed build for Throne Room. Will start working on Entities next.


Good enough for first release