


Farming Reputation Improvements

frodare opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Allow food to be donated for:

  • Bread (16 = 3rep)
  • Potatoes (16 = 3rep)
  • Apples (16 = 3rep)
  • Carrots (16 = 2rep)
  • Beets (16 = 2rep)
  • Wheat (16 = 1rep)
  • Steak (16 = 4rep)
  • Chicken (16 = 4rep)
  • Pork (16 = 4rep)
  • Mutton (16 = 4rep)
  • Rabbit (16 = 4rep)
  • Fish (16 = 4rep)

Additional Notes:

  • giving a full stack will pay the player one gold nugget
  • breeding animals should only give a 50% chance of a rep point

Possible Ideas:

  • if crops are surrounded by a certain type of block will not affect rep (or maybe just negative rep?)
  • planting crops give slightly more rep than harvesting removes
  • once a play has planted in a chunk, rep will no longer be affected from farming in that chunk.

I like the idea of donating the food, that makes sense and very easy to add.
Thoughts on make planting gain 1/4 points instead of 1/5 while leaving harvesting only remove 1/5 points?


I think we leave it 1/5 for both if we have the donation option. You can still choose to get more rep from farming, but it's something you opt in to, since the food will be consumed.


OK, agreed. We will add food donations, which will:

  • add 1 10 rep per stack of food?
  • and pay the player 1 gold nugget?

Oh, I like the idea of gold nuggets. That rep gain may be too low for a whole stack of food. Maybe up to four for a whole stack? I'm not sure. Ideally, it would be tied to the amount of hunger restored for that type of food. So 64 steak would be worth a lot more than 64 carrots.


True. Currently an average of 12.8 rep would be given if only planting, what do you think about 10?


Hmm, now I'm thinking planting different foods may be worth more reputation if we go based on hunger restored. Planting carrots has a 1 in 7 chance of giving rep, planting potatoes has a 1 in 4 chance, etc.


Also, the gold nugget will offset some of the rep gain. We don't want to give too much rep, if they also get a nugget.


Post on Curse

I think i found a problem with the mod, focused on gaining rep by planting crops and losing when harvesting. It is cool that actually the player gets "punished" if steals crops, but what happens if the player build his own house near the village, and decide to make his own crop fields? There should be a way for the mod to identify "Village's crop fields" and "Player's crop fields" so there is not problem in losing or getting reputation by harvesting our own crops. I think it could be a great idea to enable the mod to identify those crops or just make it like "do not take in count the crops sorrounded by cobblestone (or X block), so the player does not receive nor lose Rep points, and count those which actually are sorrounded by X logs" :) .



I don't think this is a good idea. If anything we need to lessen the rep gain from farming. The only solution I would be ok with at this point, is if a player tills a block, it would place that in the block's NBT and any planting or harvesting on that block would no longer affect reputation.


I like the idea of farming giving slightly more rep than harvesting, so that running a farm has a positive effect, although not a large one.


The reason that we started decreasing rep for harvesting was because it was as if you were taking the villagers' food supply. When the crops are there, the farmer villagers will come and take it and replant. When you harvest it, you're taking it for yourself and not the village, but if you replant, then you're giving them an opportunity to harvest it themselves, which results in a net-neutral state for farming.

I like it as it is. However, what would make narrative sense and we have the systems for it, if you want additional reputation, you can donate some food to the village lord. Because now the food you had taken for yourself, you are now giving to the village and is once again a benefit to the village.

What do you think?


I think the rep gain should be proportionate to the food donated.

  • Potatoes and bread are worth 12 rep for a stack, 3 rep per 16
  • Carrots, beets, and melons are worth 8 rep for a stack, 2 rep per 16
  • Wheat is worth 4 rep for a stack, 1 rep per 16 (must be 1/3 or less the rep of bread so it's not exploitable)

Should we support meat and things like eggs, pumpkin pie, mushroom stew?

Missing anything?