Totem Expansion

Totem Expansion


[feature request] slight rebalance of some totems

Zygus42 opened this issue ยท 1 comments



Nice mod ! Excellent to see such a simple yet effective addition to a base minecraft capability.

Did some testing, and 2 of the totems seem a bit underpowered considering they're one-use and take up an inventory slot. Can't see any of our players using these other than to get them out of their inventories, unlike the others, which will be most popular.

Totem of Spelunking: the period you can detect ores is too short to gain you much at all. Maybe lengthen the period substantially or make them stackable or maybe have the totem actually generate some ores around the player.

Totem of Advancing: skipping most of a night once is not much of anything - a bed does a much better job. I was unsure if this also added 10 hours of growth to plants around me, I did test it with wheat, but none of them changed even by one growth phase. If it does add to plant growth/animal breeding etc, might be more useful, but would need to do more than 10 hours or maybe be stackable so that you could do a whole bunch.


I'd agree on the spelunking totem.

For the totem of advancing, I disagree though. It already does something the bed does not do (allow you to skip daylight hours if you want) and if used alongside other mods has countless uses, not only having to do with it being nighttime, but also having to do with moon phases and whatnot (eg. astral sorcery).

And then there's my own modpack, where beds are outright disabled. I'll be using the totem of advancement as a consumable-based alternative to being able to skip part of the night (night is extra deadly in my pack due to lycanite's mobs, hardcore darkness, and a few others).