Totem Expansion

Totem Expansion


Cannot interact with Witch Doctor Villager (and crash relating with Villager Names)

vico93 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Mod Version: totemexpansion-1.2.2-1.12.2

Forge Version: 1.12.2-forge-

This issue occurs on the latest version of Forge? (Y/N): Y (latest for 1.12.2)

Crash Log (Post to Pastebin/Other Text hosting):

What happens: Well, i always thought the Villager added by the mod doesn't had any GUI, but today i saw again the CF page which describes the Villager should be able to trade totems, i tried to right click again one, and this time i got the described crash. In that case seems like a problem related to @ricksouth 's Villager Names mod (vilnames_1.12-1.3), but if is related somehow with the absence of UI when interacted, i cant determine.