[1.9.4] World transformer has incorrect method name reference for non-obsfucated..
OreCruncher opened this issue · 4 comments
Here is the link. "getBiomeGenForCoords" is incorrect - should be "getBiome". Explains that nasty exception I get when running in my IDE. :)
(I have TAN as a library in my sandbox so I can build against it. However I can't run a debug session because of the transform error.)
EDIT: I should state that I am working with Minecraft Forge 1.10.2-
Odd, I had to fix this for 1.11 but I don't recall it being a problem when updating to 1.9.4... In any case, I've pushed a commit to fix it. I won't bother making a new release though since it's only really relevant for the development environment
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