[1.10.2] Crashing with item from Aroma1997 mod
deni500 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
When I used DimensionChanger I get crash, and when I Start up minecraft again I was in Mining dimension, but when I used DimensionChanger to go back to Overworld it crashed me again and I think with same crash log: https://pastebin.com/Pd0GSNVS
-Aroma1997Core - version: 1.9.4-
-Aroma1997s Dimensional World version: 1.9.4-
-Forge version:
-ToughAsNails version: 1.9.4-1.1.1
I did post with this crash on Aroma1997 issue tracker here, but he said that on 90% it's ToughAsNails issue so I'm posting here too.
Yeah its a tan issue might be related to this bit of code @SubscribeEvent public void onItemUsed(PlayerInteractEvent event) { /* TODO: 1.9 if (event.action != Action.LEFT_CLICK_BLOCK) { ItemStack stack = event.entityPlayer.getHeldItem(); Item item = stack != null ? stack.getItem() : null; EntityPlayer player = event.entityPlayer; //Gone Home if (item == BOPItems.enderporter) { player.addStat(BOPAchievements.use_enderporter); } }*/ }
Just a guess