strange crash at game loading
0Navis0 opened this issue ยท 8 comments
I get a pretty strange crash at each time I try to load the game. It seems there an incompability with ExtraUtilities. I use TAN 1.11.2- and Forge https://pastebin.com/YLeGyBfz
Can you reproduce this with only ExtraUtilities and TAN installed? And can you please provide the log when that happens?
Here is the log https://pastebin.com/ZSDMsYLA
And no the crash doesn't occur when there is only TAN and ExtraUtilities, another mod is surely involved.
I need to know the specific mod that causes this crash, because you have a lot of mods installed. Since this appears to be a problem with ASM it's not something I can easily track down otherwise.
The crash occurs since TAN-20.5.6. I will try to find the other mods which cause the crash, but it will be long and not easy with all the mods I have.
Found it. When i start TAN together with Extra Utils AND Random Things the game crashs at loading with this error message. When the game is started with only one of the to mods it's working.
@Adubbz https://asie.pl/Projects/Minecraft/Mods/EnvironmentChecker You might find this handy.
Looks like this was fixed in a newer version of Random Things anyways, but thanks for the tip @asiekierka